Monday 1 August 2011

The Making Of A Geisha

Want to know how to wear a Kimono? Here's a tutorial. Step 1: wrap Kimono bow around waist

Step 2: do some swirly swigglerly wrap around thingy...

Step 3: no idea 

Step 4: Taa-Daa (sorry my tutorial was so lame, she lost me at step 2).

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Location: Sale, Manchester

Geisha's are known for their red lips and white skin...quiet, passive and demure, yet sensual and seductive, I didn't have to go to Kaburenjo school to train but in it's place, I was painted for four hours and consumed a lot of caffeine to prepare for Geisha glory. 

Photographer: Craig Barker
Make Up Artist & Hair: Sale Hairdressers
Styling: Sheila Cliffe